Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery
According to the CDC, there were an estimated 2.87 million known cases of traumatic brain injury in 2014 in the United States. TBI covers a spectrum of brain injuries that can impact how the brain functions and works. TBI is defined as a form of brain injury that happens as a result of a sudden trauma. That trauma then causes some type of damage to the brain. There are various types of traumas that can cause a brain injury, such as sports injuries, car accidents, falls, or other forces to the head. Brain injuries can also be caused by problems inside the body, or from an allergy to a medication.
Some examples of brain injuries include:
Skull Fracture- A crack in the skull bone.
Concussion- A blow or jolt to the body or head that makes the brain move rapidly back and forth.
Contusion- Bruise of the brain tissue.
Diffuse Injuries- Microscopic changes to the brain that do not appear on CT scans.
Intracranial Hematomas- A collection of blood within the skull caused by a rupture of blood vessels in the brain.
Stroke- An acquired brain injury caused by hypoxia or anoxia.
TBI can cause everything from mild discomfort to severe long-term complications, such as changes in personality and behavior. Some of the most common symptoms of TBI include:
Difficulty breathing
Slurred speech
Trouble hearing
Feeling of being off balance or dizziness
One of the most severe and damaging consequences of many brain injuries is the lack of oxygen to the brain during or as a result of the injury. Both traumatic and acquired brain injuries can lead to the brain not getting enough oxygen or no oxygen at all over a period of time. This could lead to permanent brain damage that impairs a persons abilities for the rest of their life.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can help TBI
There are many treatments for TBIs, including medications, cognitive therapies, decompressive craniectomy, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is an effective, non-invasive method that involves breathing in oxygen in a pressurized chamber to boost the natural ability of the body to heal itself.
HBOT offers an alternative or addition to stimulate and accelerate healing by producing more oxygen flow through the body to help in repairing and restoring damaged areas of the brain.
HBOT for brain injury therapy can help in the following ways:
Increase the oxygen levels in the brain to reduce inflammation and create neurogenesis (building of new vessels around the inflammation to deliver circulation through the blood that has been saturated with 02).
Reduce the amount of inflammation in the brain as explained above.
Reduce cranial pressure with the reduction of inflammation and increased circulation.
Help the production of blood cells by creating new blood cells through the power of increased oxygen production, which is the primary function of HBOT.
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